Mon 17 Feb 2025
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Applying for Job Search Subsidy

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  • Other
  • Job Search Subsidy
  • Youth
  • Proactive services and alerts
  • Job Seekers

A program that supports job seekers to motivate them to enter the labor market, by providing a financial subsidy for a period of 15 months, starting with SAR 2,000, in addition to providing a range of training and employment services to help them find a job.
Proactive services through:
  • The beneficiary will be notified if the eligibility status has changed to (Appalled -Enrolled - Eligible - Terminated -suspended – ineligible- rejected) via (email and beneficiary's personal profile)
  • The beneficiary will be notified for any tasks via (email - beneficiary's personal profile ) within a specified date.
  • The beneficiaries will be notified if they got a penalty for uncomplete tasks via (email - beneficiary's personal file)

SLA Job Search Subsidy
  1. Login to the e services of HRDF
  2. Click “Products and Services
  3. Click “Other programs
  4. Click Job Search Subsidy program
  5. Click “Apply here
  • Agree to the terms and conditions of the program
  • Add education data
  • Add bank account information
  • Add income information
  • Disclosure of family data
  • Disclosure of commercial activity
  • Add address and region data
  • Add attachments: academic qualification/professional experience
  • Approval of the program agreement
  • To be a Saudi national.
  • To be a resident in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • To be able to work and serious in searching for a job.
  • Age must not be less than 20 years and not more than 40 years.
  • Not to be an employee in the public or private sectors.
  • Not receiving retirement pay.
  • Not receiving any payment or unemployment assistance.
  • Not receiving any pension from the social insurance
  • Not to be a student or trainee at any education or training levels.
  • Not having a commercial activity.
  • The monthly income or personal wealth of the applicant and his family should not be higher than the eligibility limit set for receiving the financial assistance.
  • The applicant must not have previously benefited from job search assistance or from the financial assistance for the difficulty in finding work. However, applications may be accepted from those who have previously benefited, provided that the total duration of past and current assistance does not exceed 15 months.

Applicant: An applicant for the Job Search Subsidy  Program, and eligibility conditions are currently being verified.

  • Apply to the program by visiting the Fund's website here and following the instructions available on the site.

  • The application must be submitted considering one of the following two periods: 

  • Within (twenty-four) months from the end of training or education. 

  • After (twenty-four) months from the end of employment for those who have previously worked. 

  • Assess the job seeker’s application to verify eligibility criteria, and notify them of the response within 60 days from the last action completed in the application. The job seeker must submit all data, documents, and paperwork requested by the Fund and adhere to all instructions issued by the Fund during the application review period. 

  • The job seeker must enroll in employment services if they do not have an active journey in employment services.

Applications for both programs have been suspended, and you can apply for the Job Search Subsidy  Program if you meet the specific eligibility conditions for the program. 

he application icon is disabled for those who do not meet the eligibility criteria or who have not completed the required periods for reapplying to the program. You can check the reason for the icon being inactive after visiting your personal page on the electronic services of the Human Resource Development Fund. 

If the total payments received previously from the Job Search Incentive and the Difficulty Finding Work Incentive programs equal or exceed (15) payments, you cannot apply for the Job Search Subsidy  Program. 

According to the program eligibility criteria, applications of the age group that is not less than 20 years and not more than 40 years are allowed to apply. Those outside this age range can benefit from the employment services provided by HRDF by visiting the electronic services of the Human Resource Development Fund or by going to the centers and branches.

Age is calculated based on the Gregorian calendar when applying for the Job Search Subsidy  Program.

According to the program procedures, individuals who have previously worked cannot benefit from the program until 24 months have passed since the end of the employment relationship (termination of service, end of contract, resignation, etc.). However, you can benefit from the employment services provided by the Fund by visiting the electronic services of the Human Resource Development Fund or by going to the centers and branches. 

If you are dissatisfied with the decision, you can contact the entity responsible for verifying eligibility to update the status and then submit an objection along with proof of the validity of the objection.

  • For those who have completed education or training, applications must be submitted within 24 months from the end of education or training.

  • For those who have previously worked, applications must be submitted after 24 months from the end of the employment relationship. 

Recent graduates can apply to the program before 24 months have passed from the end of their studies.

  • It refers to the applicant residing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for not less than (ten) months in the year preceding their application. 

  • For the qualification, it refers to residing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for not less than (ten) months in the year preceding the seriousness evaluation period. 

  • For the beneficiary, it refers to residing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for not less than (ten months) during the period in which the assistance is provided. 

Through the application for the program, income information is added. If there is no income from the sources mentioned in the application, a zero amount is entered. 

If the training program exceeds three months, this will affect the beneficiary's eligibility in the Job Search Subsidy  Program. 

Yes, it affects the beneficiary's eligibility in the program. 

Yes, agricultural subsidies stop the disbursement of Job Search Subsidy .

It is an agreement between the Fund and the job seeker that specifies the responsibilities and obligations required from the job seeker during the period of benefiting from the Job Search Subsidy  provided by the Fund. 

It protects the rights of all parties involved (the Fund and the job seeker), and it requires the beneficiary to review the eligibility conditions for the program and the obligations required from them, followed by signing the electronic agreement by entering the code sent to their mobile number. The application will not be accepted if the agreement is not signed.

The verification of the entered bank account IBAN by the client is done instantly. 

The applicant must provide the Fund with all necessary data, documents, and papers (qualifications, experiences if available) to ensure the application process is completed correctly. 

You can create a national address through the Saudi Post service and then apply for the program. 

According to the eligibility criteria for the program, the job seeker must be able to work and serious about seeking employment. The obligations of the program include attending the Fund to receive employment services.

By logging into your account in the electronic services of the Human Resource Development Fund and clicking on "View Program Details." 

You can reapply for the program if the application status is rejected or canceled. However, if it is due to ineligibility, you must wait for (6) months to reapply. 

The application will be studied, and the applicant will be notified of the result within (60) days from the date of completing the application procedure. 

Eligibility will be verified within 60 days from the date of completing the application procedure, and the applicant will be notified of the eligibility result between the 2nd and 4th of each month. 

You can cancel the application and reapply for the program again, noting that upon canceling the application, the calculation for not completing the 24-month period from the end of education and training will be based on the new application submission date, not the canceled application date. 

You can benefit from the Job Search Subsidy  Program after visiting one of the employment channels (branches/centers) and submitting a request to activate the account in employment services. For more information, you can review the job seeker verification policy through the following link: HRDF. 

The household income limit will be considered when applying for the program to determine if the individual is from an eligible family entitled to support or not. 

According to the eligibility criteria for the program, beneficiaries of the unemployment system "Sanid" cannot apply for the Job Search Subsidy  Program.

There is no waiting period after completing the Sanid program to apply for the Job Search Subsidy Program, provided that the applicant has completed 24 months from the date of their last employment. 

According to the eligibility criteria for the program, those receiving a pension from social security or registered as dependents are considered ineligible for the program. You can contact the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development for inquiries regarding social security. 

According to the eligibility criteria for the program, those receiving a pension from the General Pension Authority or social insurance are considered ineligible for the program. 

Clients can apply for the Job Search Subsidy Program immediately after completing the training period in the Graduate Development Program "Tamheer." 

No, it does not interfere. 

Launch Date 12/08/2021
Language Arabic
Service delivery channels Platform Link
Beneficiary Categories The program targets job seekers with ages between 20 – 40 who are planning to join the labor market in the first two years of completing their education or their training, as well as those who have resigned or left their work for more than two years
Stage duration Immediately
Service cost Free
Payment methods Non

Contact Information
Contact number 8001222030

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Latest Update : 20 Jan 2025 - 20 Rajab 1446 - 9:36 AM Saudi time

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