Tue 22 Oct 2024 19 Rabi' al-thani 1446
Product Details

Graduate Development - Tamheer

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Fresh Graduate

A product aimed at developing graduates of diplomas/bachelor's degrees or higher in order to provide them with practical field experience.

  • Go to the Human Resources Development Fund website.
  • Click on the programs and services icon.
  • Choose an individual icon.
  • Training selection.
  • Choose an on-the-job training program.
  • Login through the national single sign-on.
  • The system shows the user an overview of the program and the objectives of the program.
  • The user chooses to accept the terms and conditions and then register.

The Human Resources Development Fund “Hadaf” contributes to supporting graduates of institutes and colleges who hold technical, health and administrative diplomas, and holders of a bachelor’s degree or higher, with a reward of (3000) riyals per month, for a period ranging from 3 to 6 months.

  • Must be of Saudi nationality.
  • Must be registered on the Human Resources Development Fund website.
  • Must hold a diploma from accredited institutes and technical, health, or administrative colleges, with a duration of at least one academic year (two semesters).
  • Must hold a bachelor's degree or higher from a Saudi or internationally accredited university recognized by the Ministry of Education (must attach the certificate equivalency decision issued by the Ministry of Education if the degree is from a foreign university).
  • Should not have previous work experience in the public or private sector exceeding one calendar year.
  • Age should not exceed 30 calendar years.
  • Should not be currently employed in the public or private sector.
  • Should not be listed as "prohibited" by the Fund.
  • Should not have benefited from the "Training Balance" of the Graduates
  • Development Program (TAMHEER) with a full benefit of no more than two opportunities totaling 6 months for the two opportunities.
  • Should not be excluded from the Graduates Development Program (TAMHEER).

Delayed rewards are disbursed between the 15th and the 20th of each Gregorian month, provided eligibility is confirmed. The legally specified disbursement period allows for payments to be made within two months from the end date of the preparation for the payment cycle. 

Yes, the system sends messages and notifications confirming task completion through various means, informing the user that the process has been successfully completed.

The allowance and training duration are calculated from the date specified by the institution in the automated system. The responsibility for determining the start date of training in the automated system lies with the institution, and the Fund bears no responsibility in this regard if trainees attend the training location without the start date being specified in the automated system.

Yes, the individual can continue applying for suitable training opportunities even if they reject a specific training offer.

Training opportunities are posted in the system based on the needs of establishments. Opportunities are displayed to individuals based on their qualification level and general specialization compatibility.

You must log in to the unified national employment platform "Jadarat" and update your profile, including personal information and educational qualifications. This will automatically be reflected in the Human Resources Development Fund website.

Your acceptance into the opportunity you applied for depends on the procedures of the institution.

Yes, there is a waiting period of 3 months after withdrawing or being excluded from the Graduate Development Product in order to benefit from the Job Search Assistance program.

There is no waiting period if clients of the Job Search Assistance program wish to benefit from the Graduate Development Product.

There is no compensation for overtime work, and the stipend received by the trainee will not be increased.

The trainee can raise a ticket on the Human Resources Development Fund website for inquiries. Additionally, they can withdraw from the opportunity according to the withdrawal regulations.

The IBAN status is verified automatically within a maximum of 3 days.

If you are eligible for a complementary training opportunity and your withdrawal request is accepted in the system, you can apply for available opportunities directly after re-registering in the program, provided that the training start date in the second opportunity is not within the cycle from which you withdrew.

If the trainee starts training before the training start date is specified in the system, the training period will not be counted within the financial cycle, and the trainee is not entitled to claim any financial amounts from the Human Resources Development Fund for this period. Additionally, the start date cannot be retroactively determined in the automated system.

It begins after the training start date is specified in the automated system by the institution, along with the trainee receiving a notification from the Human Resources Development Fund regarding the start date. The Fund bears no responsibility if trainees attend the training location without the training start date being specified in the automated system.

The trainee is officially started in the training opportunity after the training start date is specified in the system by the institution, as it is one of its responsibilities. Additionally, the trainee receives a notification from the Human Resources Development Fund confirming the specified start date.

No, a training opportunity cannot be suspended, extended, or postponed. However, the trainee can withdraw and benefit again according to the withdrawal conditions and another opportunity.

No, it cannot. The institution is responsible for accurately entering the attendance into the system, and neither the trainee nor the institution can demand that the Human Resources Development Fund amend the attendance in the system.

Trainees cannot demand the disbursement from the fund after two months from the end date of the preparation for the payment cycle (on the 17th of every Gregorian month) for any reason, whether it's related to the preparation, bank account issues, the institution, or others.

Trainees are notified of the acceptance or rejection of their withdrawal within 3 business days.

The trainee cannot benefit from the program again if their status is "excluded."

The trainee is eligible to receive a "Training Certificate" upon completing one month or more of training and has not been excluded from the program.

There is no maternity leave during the training period. If a trainee experiences a childbirth, she must withdraw from the training opportunity according to the withdrawal regulations. The institution should not prepare the trainee while she is absent or record incorrect attendance in the system.

No, it is not possible to modify any details mentioned in the training opportunity after it has been published.

No, it is not permissible for the employer or any other person representing the establishment to request this. If such a situation occurs, individuals can file a complaint by raising a ticket through the Human Resources Development Fund website.

There is no specific timeframe for this change. This status appears for all trainees at the beginning of the payment cycle, and the status is updated after the issuance of the invoice based on the eligibility of the trainees. The reasons for non-eligibility are indicated in the system.

It's the period during which the trainee is eligible for the allowance, starting from the 18th day of one Gregorian month to the 17th day of the following month.

The allowances are disbursed between the 10th and 15th of each Gregorian month (during official working days).

Yes, the Human Resources Development Fund provides a monthly financial allowance of three thousand Saudi Riyals to trainees who meet the requirements for receiving the allowance in the Graduate Development Program.

It means that the individual is registered in the program but has not applied for any training opportunities for a period of (6) months. To reactivate the account, the individual needs to register again in the program.

It means that either the required number of participants as per the training announcement has been reached, the deadline for the announcement has expired, or the institution has not specified a training start date within 5 days after accepting the individual for the training offer. In such cases, you should search for another opportunity.

In such a case, you should log in to the unified national employment platform "Jadarat" and the "Muhal" platform to update your personal profile. The updates will then be automatically reflected on the Human Resources Development Fund website.

Trainees in the Graduate Development Product will not be registered in the systems of the General Organization for Social Insurance or the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development. You will be excluded if you are registered during your enrollment in the Graduate Development Product.

No, any government support does not affect eligibility for the Graduate Development Product unless registration with social insurance is required.

No, it does not affect their registration in the product if the product's eligibility criteria match the beneficiary's circumstances.

Payments for the job search allowance program will not resume automatically. The individual must follow the application process for the job search allowance program if they wish to return to it.

The product is not limited to a specific area, as the availability of training opportunities depends on the participating establishments.

Yes, if the conditions of the product match the beneficiary's situation.

There is no medical insurance for trainees.

There is no specific period, and one can apply for the Graduate Development Product immediately after graduation, provided they have obtained their university degree.

The beneficiary can communicate with the officials at the facility to determine the start date of the training in the automated system, or withdraw from the training opportunity without any deduction from the training period (note that withdrawing for the second time results in exclusion from the program). Additionally, if the start date of the training is not specified in the system, the training offer will be automatically canceled within five days.

The trainee should communicate with the trainer and the responsible individuals in the facility to address the preparation issue. If they do not respond, the trainee should raise a ticket on the Human Resources Development Fund website. It's important to note that if two months have passed since the end of the preparation period for the payment cycle (on the 17th day of each Gregorian month), the allowance will not be disbursed for various reasons, whether related to preparation, bank account issues, the facility, or other reasons.

The trainee is committed to the internal policies and procedures of the facility, maintaining full-time hours that do not violate labor laws. Actual training hours should not exceed 48 hours weekly or 8 hours daily, and they are reduced during the holy month of Ramadan to not exceed 36 hours weekly or 6 hours daily.

The work continues with the Graduate Development Program, and trainees are prepared by the training facilities and their stipends are disbursed, while individuals are required to follow the instructions provided by the relevant authorities within the framework of the vigorous efforts made by the government of the Kingdom to address any emergency repercussions, as was the case during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. This includes implementing remote work mechanisms within the framework of government directives, which involves using electronic means and applications while considering any evidence issued regarding remote work by the relevant authorities. It's important for trainees to perform their training tasks during remote training, and the preparation of the facility for trainees depends on completing the training tasks during remote training.

  1. Log in using your personal account on the Human Resources Development Fund website.
  2. Select the training opportunities.
  3. Choose the training opportunities that have been applied for. Then, all the details of the opportunities, including offers and interviews, will be displayed.

  1. Visit the Human Resources Development Fund website.
  2. Click on the electronic services icon.
  3. Choose login - individuals.
  4. Log in via the unified access service.
  5. Browse the training opportunities.
  6. Apply for the training opportunities.

  1. Visit the Human Resources Development Fund website.
  2. Click on the electronic services icon.
  3. Choose login - individuals.
  4. Log in via the unified access service.
  5. Select Training on the Job from our programs menu.
  6. Choose registration for Training on the Job.
  7. Agree to the terms and conditions.
  8. Select the academic degree: Diploma Graduate/Bachelor's Graduate.
  9. After verifying the educational data, it will be reflected from the Jadara platform.
  10. Choose the registration icon.

The IBAN related to the Training on the Job program (Graduate Development) can be added by following these steps:

  1. Visit the Human Resources Development Fund website.
  2. Click on the electronic services icon.
  3. Choose login - individuals.
  4. Log in via the unified access service.
  5. Select personal information.
  6. Additional information for programs.
  7. Add the bank account.
  8. Save.

Training opportunities are tailored to the individual's qualifications. If the individual wishes to add a new qualification, they can follow these steps:

  1. Visit the university portal.
  2. Click on the qualification icon.
  3. Ensure that the applicant's latest qualification is added to reflect it on the Human Resources Development Fund website.
  4. Log in to the individual's account on the Human Resources Development Fund website.
  5. Select "Our Programs."
  6. Choose "Training on the Job."
  7. Access the Training on the Job dashboard.
  8. Select the icon for updating educational qualifications.

  1. Log in to the Human Resources Development Fund website.
  2. Click on the e-Services icon.
  3. Choose "Individual Login."
  4. Log in using the National Single Sign-On.
  5. Select "Our Programs."
  6. Choose "Training on the Job."
  7. Access the Training on the Job dashboard, where you can view your attendance record.

  1. If withdrawal occurs before the start of training (i.e., before the start date is determined), no days will be deducted from the training period balance.
  2. If withdrawal occurs within a period not exceeding 14 days after the start of training: no days will be deducted from the training period balance, and no allowance will be paid to the trainee. However, if the trainee withdraws for the second time, they will be automatically excluded from the program.
  3. If withdrawal occurs after more than 14 days from the start of training: the trainee will receive an allowance based on the days attended, and one month will be deducted from the trainee's balance. Additionally, any duration trained in the training opportunity before withdrawal will be deducted (e.g., if the trainee trained for two months and 10 days before withdrawing, they will deduct three months from the balance). After the second withdrawal, the trainee will be automatically excluded from the program.
  4. If withdrawal occurs after completing more than three financial cycles in training: the trainee cannot benefit from another training opportunity due to the lack of training balance. The minimum training period in the Graduate Development Program is three months. To accept the request, the trainee must attach or write a declaration stating their awareness of not being eligible for another opportunity.

  1. Go to the Human Resources Development Fund website.
  2. Click on the electronic services icon.
  3. Choose login - individuals.
  4. Log in through the unified national access.
  5. Our programs.
  6. On-the-Job Training Program.
  7. Dashboard of the On-the-Job Training Program, then select the withdraw from the training opportunity icon.
  8. Then the request will be reviewed by the Fund for either acceptance or rejection.

Trainees acknowledge the terms and conditions upon registration in the product and when applying for training opportunities and upon acceptance of the training offer. Failure to comply with the terms and conditions will result in taking all necessary legal actions against the trainee, such as suspending the training, not disbursing bonuses, excluding them from the Graduate Development Product, or taking any other appropriate action as deemed necessary by the Fund at any time if they are found to violate any or all terms and conditions of the On-the-Job Training Program "Graduate Development Product." These reasons include, but are not limited to:

  1. Providing false or forged information by the trainee.
  2. If the trainee is aware of a violation by the establishment of any or all terms and conditions of the program and fails to inform the Fund.
  3. Registering in social insurance during any day of the training period.
  4. Absence for two consecutive or non-consecutive months by more than 10%.
  5. Withdrawing twice from the program.
  6. Lack of actual training at the establishment.
  7. Training and working remotely.
  8. Inaccurate information registered in the system, including education, phone number, name, etc.
  9. Submitting part or all of the bonus received from the Fund to the establishment.
  10. Non-cooperation in filling out any surveys or responding to communications from the Fund.
  11. Discrepancy in qualification compared to the training opportunity.
  12. Discrepancy in specialization compared to the nature of the training opportunity.
  13. Exceeding the training period as per the duration of each product.
  14. Exceeding financial support.
  15. Exceeding two training opportunities.
  16. Trainee not being present at the training location, considering the nature of the training opportunity.
  17. Training opportunity not matching the product's conditions.
  18. Joining a job in the government or private sector.
  19. Training on two opportunities simultaneously.
  20. Training on two or more products of the On-the-Job Training Program simultaneously.
  21. Training after being excluded from training.
  22. Training after completing training in the product.
  23. Exclusion of the establishment by the trainee.

The Fund also reserves the right to approve, reject, suspend, or cancel the registration of any individual or training opportunity at any time if conditions are breached, if the public interest requires it, or for any reason deemed appropriate by the Fund. The Fund also has the right to stop support for the trainee violating these terms and conditions and to include them in the Fund’s blacklist.

  1. Trainees are entitled to official holiday leave (Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha, National Day, Foundation Day) without affecting the attendance rate. This should not conflict with the provisions of the Saudi labor law and all regulations issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development.
  2. Trainees are entitled to leave in the event of the death of one of their immediate family members, according to the provisions of the Saudi labor law and all regulations issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development. This does not affect the attendance rate.
  3. Approved sick leaves do not affect the prescribed duration of the program and are counted as part of the total program duration, provided that the duration of sick leaves does not exceed 10% per month. The training establishment is responsible for accepting and verifying the sick leave. If the trainee is absent for more than that, they may withdraw from the program according to withdrawal regulations. The Fund also has the right to request evidence in such cases.
  4. Trainees are not entitled to any leave other than those mentioned above.

The bonus is calculated based on the actual number of days the trainee attends in the financial cycle specific to the Graduate Development Product, which runs from the 18th of one month to the 17th of the following month.


  1. If the financial cycle for the Graduate Development Product starts from January 18th to February 17th, and the trainee's start date is January 18th, coinciding with the start of the financial cycle, the entire financial cycle is considered, and the bonus amount for the full cycle (3000 SAR) is disbursed.
  2. If the financial cycle starts from January 18th to February 17th, and the trainee's start date is February 1st, then the actual number of days attended by the trainee in this financial cycle is 17 days (from February 1st to February 17th). Therefore, the bonus is calculated based on the number of days attended, which would be (1700 SAR) for 17 days.

 the platform is as follows:

  1. Update the email address through the Human Resources Development Fund website.
  2. Click on the link sent to activate the account.
  3. Log in again to the Human Resources Development Fund website.
  4. If the problem persists, raise a ticket and provide a screenshot showing the date and time of the issue.

Yes, the system assists by correlating certain fields based on your previous inputs.

Yes, the system displays error messages before submission and provides guidance on how to correct the inputs.

Yes, the system displays guidance messages on how to correct inputs.

The system provides the option to preview the request before submission in certain transactions.

Yes, some of your personal data is retrieved from the National Information Center.

Yes, the user is informed about the actions taken on their request and guided on how to successfully complete the request.

Yes, the system sends messages and notifications confirming successful completion through various means.

Yes, you can access previous transactions, review job advertisement lists, and view your support tickets.

Yes, this is possible by clicking the 'Save as Draft' option, allowing you to return to the entered data later and complete the procedures.

You can access your profile by browsing through the main menu of services and then clicking on "Profile." This will provide you with options to manage your account and choose suitable settings and preferences.

Yes, you can edit the information you entered while building your profile. Information retrieved from the National Information Center can be edited through the access platform.

The duration of the training depends on the establishment's assessment, with a minimum of (3) months and a maximum of (6) months.

The following procedures must be followed before submitting a request for exclusion in the automated system:

  1. Officially notify the trainee of the observation or violation, with the notification including (the observation or violation, trainee's data, date of notification signed and stamped by the establishment), and give the trainee a chance for 3 written notices, with intervals between them.
  2. If the trainee does not respond, the establishment formally directs the trainee to withdraw from the training opportunity.
  3. If the trainee does not withdraw, the establishment submits a request for exclusion in the system, attaching all notifications along with all supporting documents proving the reason for exclusion.
  4. The request will be studied and processed, and the Fund has the right to accept or reject it. If rejected, the reason for rejection will be clarified to the establishment. The establishment cannot prevent the trainee from attending until the request for exclusion in the system is approved.

Exclusion may be for one of the following reasons:

  • Misconduct.
  • Committing serious violations.
  • Damaging the establishment's property.
  • Forgery of documents and disclosure of confidential information.
  • Trainee obtaining a job or registering in social insurance systems.
  • Non-compliance with attendance and departure during working hours at the establishment.
  • Trainee's refusal to perform assigned training tasks.

Yes, the establishment can do so, while emphasizing the importance to the trainee.

Training in the Graduate Development Program must be full-time and conducted on-site at the establishment.

Someone who has previously held a job can benefit from the Graduate Development Program as long as their experience in the public or private sector does not exceed one calendar year.

 It is a program aimed at Saudi graduates, both male and female, from local and international universities, colleges, and institutes with diplomas in technical, health, and administrative fields, as well as bachelor's degrees and above. The program aims to train them in government institutions and distinguished companies in the private sector, enabling them to acquire the necessary experiences and skills to prepare them for participation in the job market with the possibility of employment.

This can be done by following these steps:

  1. Go to the Human Resources Development Fund website.
  2. Click on the "Electronic Services" icon.
  3. Select "Login - Individuals."
  4. Log in through the Nafath service.
  5. Select "Our Programs."
  6. Choose the "On-the-Job Training Program."
  7. Go to the dashboard of the On-the-Job Training Program, where you can issue the certificate.

There are no specific specializations.

The trainee can see the reasons for non-payment in their dashboard, which may include the following:

  1. Exceeding the trainee's absence by 10% during the financial cycle.
  2. Lack of a correct bank account (IBAN) in the trainee's name.
  3. Failure of the trainer to prepare the trainee during the specified preparation period, which is from the 13th to the 17th of each month.

Only the banking accounts of operating within the Kingdom and licensed by the Central Bank of Saudi Arabia are accepted. Other bank accounts are not accepted, however.

Yes, the individual should not exceed 30 years of age.

Support Mechanism:

The Human Resources Development Fund provides support to graduates of institutes and colleges holding technical, health, and administrative diplomas, as well as bachelor's degree holders and above, with a monthly stipend of 3000 Saudi Riyals, for a duration ranging from 3 to 6 months.

Benefits of Graduates Development:

  • Narrowing the gap between individual qualifications and the skills required by the job market.
  • Preparing and developing graduates with practical and professional experience according to the needs of the job market.
  • Providing high-quality practical experiences and increasing employment opportunities.
  • A monthly stipend of 3000 Saudi Riyals is provided by the Human Resources Development Fund.
Launch Date 18/07/2023
Service delivery channels
Language Arabic
Beneficiary Categories Graduates of institutes and colleges holding diplomas, University graduates holding a Bachelor’s degree or higher
Stage duration Immediately
Service cost Free
Payment methods NON

Contact Information
Contact number 8001222030
Email info@hrdf.org.sa

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